Review In Haiku: Smexy Starfighter

"Touch" "Startle" Ah! Ahhhh!
We illustrate the motions
in case you missed it
While I like this webcomic about space cowboys fighting to save Earth and its colonies I feel like what I need to comment on the most, or at least first, is the artwork. I actually bought the print version of chapters 1 & 2 instead of reading Starfighter on the web. I'm glad I did. This comic is done in black and white with splashes of color which I liked. There is much smutty goodness to be had right from the beginning which I also liked. What didn't like was the fact that the characters didn't have too many facial expressions and weird things were verbally illustrated with tiny words written into the pictures. Someone's startled or surprised? Just write the word next to their expressionless face. Someone touched something? Just write touch next to their hand and if they've squeezed something write squeeze.
Poor illustration
in the form of laziness
Just widen his eyes
The laziness of not expressing emotions through illustration was almost made up for by the dirty, sexy, rough sexy times. Oh, I liked that BUT some of it was ruined by the little words that were everywhere. Stop telling me that they're touching! I see that they're touching! I see it, dammit!
Wait a minute here
assholes self-lubricate now?
The future's so bright
So much sex is had and none of it involves lube. I'm pretty sure I didn't even see spit. Apparently, in the future assholes don't tear and dry fucking feels so good. Oh man, I'm cringing just thinking about it. Oh, and Abel's a virgin, so he had to be tight, right? I mean, right? Futuristic shortage of lube.
Grubby, sweaty sex
Just can't get enough of you
I'm caught in your web
Despite everything I had issues with I'll definitely be buying chapter 3. The story is kind of thin on the ground but c'mon man, it's not about the story. It's about Cain and Abel knocking boots and how many times Abel is going to let Cain bite him. I won't even pretend otherwise.