Goldilocks and His Three Bears

Goldilocks and His Three Bears - Am Riley I shouldn't have liked this book. I shouldn't have liked this book at all...but I did. I liked it alot.

I shouldn't have liked this book because...of the slut-a-riffic main character, Brian.
But I ended up liking Brian because he's not having sex just to have sex. He's a small town guy who's feeling lost in the big city. When he finally meets a big 'ol bear, Paul, that he clicks with, Paul ends up leaving. Paul leaves Brian without them defining whether they have a relationship or not. Brian's feeling lost and lonely and it's worse than ever because now he's also missing someone that he really came to care for.

When Brian meets yet another sexy bear, Jim, he responds to Jim's calming presence. Brian needs to not feel so alone and he doesn't feel so adrift when he's with Jim. The problem is that after a few weeks, Jim leaves as well. Again, Brian's left to himself and my heart kind of broke for him. He wants someone to love and to love him. He wants a relationship but the guys he cares for keep leaving for no good reason.

The third bear, Scott the bisexual bottom, is a carefree spirit who doesn't do monogamy. He's fun and makes Brian smile. Scott doesn't leave but it turns out these three bears are roommates. When Jim and Paul turn up again everyone has to make a choice and decide how they're going to make the situation work.

So, yeah, Brian was a tad bit slutty but there were reasons behind it. He was a terrific character that bounced and tee-hee'd and generally made me want to put him in my pocket.

I shouldn't have liked this book because...of the use of the word daddy.
But I ended up not minding the way Brian called Paul "Daddy" because it wasn't used in a creepy way. Brian needs someone to care for him. He needs to be mastered and feel safe. The way he called Paul "Daddy" was really the same way some people call their lover master. It didn't come across as incestuous. It was a D/s relationship and that was quite clear in the way Paul and Brian interacted. Brian and Paul were sweet together and both got what they needed emotionally out of the relationship. I completely understood the dynamic there and it made me smile.

I shouldn't have liked this book because...of the group sex.
But the group sex didn't bother me because it wasn't just about sex for these guys. Brian, Paul, Jim and Scott cared about each other. By the end of the book I felt like the four of them belonged together forever. The all loved each other in a way that was really adorable to read about. They found family in each other and while it wasn't a traditional situation it was the perfect situation for the four of them. They all nurtured each other and it was so nice to read about.

Maybe this book should have pushed alot of my "hell no" buttons but it ended up pushing alot of my "love it" buttons. It's a light book but not in the sense that it's straight fluff. It's light in that it left me feeling happy. I recommend.