Opening Moves (Chess)

This is ANOTHER one for the "crack attack" shelf. As if I needed more crack-attack books, right?
This book is like being lost in a forest of cocks & balls. Every time I turned around I was getting smacked in the face with dicks and testicles. Mushroom stamps and teabagging for everyone!
Opening Moves has the most outlandish and ridiculous premise known to man. Rook (wealthy and bouncy bottom who's hung like a porn star), Knight (famous ex-druggie artist who never sleeps), and Bishop (big bad toppity toppy top) are a committed threesome. They decide they want a sex toy to play with for a year and go about looking for one.
This is where Jason comes in. Knight likes to take beginner's art classes all incognito-like so that he stays humble. Jason is the live nude model in one of those classes and Knight decides that Jason is the perfect plaything. But Jason says "I'm not gay" and he also says "I'm not good at sex and I have no sex drive".
The thing is that Jason's broke as a joke, so he begins to entertain the idea of signing the contract to be a well paid sex toy for a year. Bouncy, adorable Rook gets sexy with Jason in a one-on-one session and BAM! Jason signs the contract.
This story is one sex scene after another with the characters taking naps in between. Somehow, though...for some reason...I liked this story. It was shameless, porn-with-very-little-plot fun. It never tries to be anything else.
I know that I only gave it two stars but that doesn't mean I won't be reading more if Sean Michael decides to write another story about these men.