Payback (Channeling Morpheus 1)

So, now I've read book one of JCP's Psycop series and book one of this series. It's not a competition but if it was this book would TOTALLY win. I really liked the Psycop book but this book....oh man.
Michael's best friend was killed by vamps and now he's turned himself into a transient vampire hunter. He finally tracks down the vamp who killed his friend and has a seduction plan in place when in walks hotness personified; Wild Bill. Shortly after that, Michael's target shows up but Wild Bill just won't go away. What does that lead to? The HOTTEST FUCKING THREESOME EVER!
Why is it the hottest threesome?
1.) Wild Bill is crazy sexy. I'm not even kidding, y'all. He's this mixture of goth and punk with a little bit of grunginess. He's all tongue rings and leather jackets with studs and safety pins. He's combat boots and ripped jeans. He's so much bad boy that you just want to lick him. Where he differs from other bad boys is that there's also this energetic quirkiness to him. He's not all serious. That just made me love his character even more. Yum!
2.) Michael is sweet, innocent even though he's a vamp hunter, and I was throughly aware that he would happily let Wild Bill. Turn. His. Ass. Out. For people who don't know what that means it's when you get someone addicted to you through sex because your brand of sex is sooooooooo good. Yeah, Wild Bill's sex would blow Michael's pure-as-driven-snow mind. You know those bombs that explode when two liquids mix? If a bottle of Wild Bill's sex mixed with a bottle of Michael's sweet naiveté it would make one hell of a boom.
Now, there's a third person in the mix but I really didn't need him there. *shrug*
And then there's the end. *le sigh* I loved the end. What Wild Bill says made me swoon a little and what Michael does about it is just awesome. Way to be tenacious my little Michael!!
Oh, this story was just yummy and I want more. So much more. Delish!