Suicide Watch

About fifteen minutes ago I wrote a status update where I said that I wanted to sleep on my feelings for this book before I reviewed it. The problem is that it's so heavy on my mind that I can't sleep.
This book is so sad, poignant, and beautiful that it's indescribable and there is no way I'm going to do it any justice. I started this book after it was recommended to me. I'd just finished a book that left a bad taste in my mouth and I was looking for one that had a more positive portrayal of mental illness while still being realistic. I didn't know what to expect from Suicide Watch but whatever I was expecting it far surpassed anything I was hoping for.
Vincent broke my heart and then Casper broke my heart right before Adam came along and broke it some more. Once Vincent, Adam, and Casper were all together my heart was ripped to shreds. Their friendship was good and gorgeous because it saved them. It was also the most heartbreaking thing ever because I knew there was heartache coming and these three characters that I loved and felt in my heart were just so broken.
This book portrayed mental illness, emotions, melancholy, death, life, and everything in between in such a realistic way. It does it in a way that didn't make me feel like it was being unfair, melodramatic, or emotionally dishonest.
I cried, damn near sobbed and in the end there was a bit of a smile on my face because I had hope.
This review was not much of a review and more of a rambling mess but I needed to type out something so that this book might stop haunting me long enough to let me get some sleep.