The End Game

The End Game - Lisa Marie Davis ETA: The bulk of this review has been put into a spoiler tab.

Dear you,

I wish I could tell you all about this book; the story of Micah and his boss...ummm...*goes back and reads the blurb*...Harrison! His boss, Harrison.

The End Game is an utterly forgettable story, though, so I can't tell you all about this book because even though I just read it I can barely remember it. Here's what I do remember.

Micah was almost killed (I think) when he was a teenager. Well, I know Micah's mother was killed by his boyfriend. Some years later Micah works from home doing...something. Harrison is Micah's boss and he (maybe) owns the company where Micah works doing...whatever it is he does.

Harrison has a thing for Micah but Micah is traumatized and always turns Harrison down. Harrison finally gets a date (don't ask me how). They start dating after that. Wait, do they start dating? Crap. Well, let's say for the sake of this review that they start dating.

So, they're dating, they make out in a limo, I think they go to a party and then I think they make out in the limo again. Fast forward to Micah standing in front of his apartment building where he's confronted by some crazy prison wife who's married to the guy who murdered Micah's mom.

She says something like "(Insert the name of the murderer) read the Bible and he's reformed. Tell the parole board to let him out."

Micah says something along the lines of " about no."

Crazy prison wife says something like "Repent! Repent homosexual!"

Micah's like "Ummm, again, no. I have to go now. My ice cream's melting."

After that (maybe right after) Micah has a panic attack and passes out. His ice cream probably ends up melting anyway. He wakes up and (once again, don't ask me how) Harrison is there.

Stuff happens but we're going to fast forward past that stuff because I don't remember what that stuff is.

Harrison and Micah are in the limo again, probably making out. When the get to where they're going, and the driver lets them out, there are gun shots. The driver gets shot.

Errrmmmnnn...there's some kind of conspiracy involving the crazy prison wife, the murderer who's still in jail, and the crazy prison wife's brother. Or cousin. Maybe her uncle. Someone who's male.

Fast forward again. Micah goes to the prison to visit the murderer.

The murderer is all "WTF are you doing here? Crazy Prison Wife was supposed to kill you."

Micah's like "Your plan was foiled. I wanted to come and tell you that I will not let my fear of you rule me anymore...and stuff."

The murderer sucks his teeth I think and says "Whatevah, bitch!"

Micah's like "K bye."

It was anti-climatic to say the least.

I'm pretty sure nothing else important happens. Really, nothing important happens in the whole story. It was Blah. Very, very Blah.

So, that's what I remember. I was so excited to read this story when it came out but it wasn't really worth the time it took to read it. Like I said, utterly forgettable.

Yeeeeeeaahhh, do I recommend this? Not so much.
