The Prisoner (Broken, #1)

Good lord almighty don't ever save me from the beautiful mind fuck that is Kol Anderson's screwed up fictional world. This book turned me out more than [b:Slave|18225687|Slave|Kol Anderson||25660296] and I did NOT think that was possible.
Aaron is an escort who's in love with Sebastian, who started out as one of his clients. One night Aaron leaves Sebastian to go and meet Vincent who is a new client. Vincent seems like a regular guy at first, if supremely good looking. He's nice...until he's not so nice anymore. Shit goes downhill reaaaaaaaally FUCKING FAST! I wasn't ready y'all. I. Was. Not. Ready.
Vincent turns out to be one of the most twisted, money hungry, pain hungry, son of a bitches ever. The things he puts Aaron through made me want crawl out of my skin. The worst parts were when Vincent was being nice. I just wanted him to stop...just stop. Well, I wanted him to stop until there's some little glimmer of him maybe softening toward Aaron. And this is where Kol Anderson fucks my shit all up AGAIN just like in Slave. I thought to myself that maybe Vincent would redeem himself and rescue Aaron. What is wrong with me?! How does this author get me to want the most screwed up of characters to somehow fall in love??? It's crazy!
There's so much more to this story but I don't know how to comment on it until I get some resolution in book two. I don't know how to comment other than "GIMME MORE!!".