Hell and Beyond (Broken, #2)

Hell and Beyond (Broken, #2) - Kol Anderson What Is This Series Doing To Me?!

I thought I would get some closure in this, the second book in the Broken series, but I'm not sure why I thought that. I think I said something about resolution in my review for book one. What THE HELL WAS I SMOKING?

This book. Fucked. Me. UP. It ripped out my brain and stomped on it. It bitch smacked my emotions and then spit on them. My stomach is in knots, I cringed so hard that I'm pretty sure I injured myself, I had about fifty panic attacks and three heart attacks, my eyes were watering, and I felt like my chest was going to explode. What kind of fresh hell did this book drop me into? And yet I couldn't stop reading.

Aaron's torture gets amped up in the second installment and it's off-set by tender moments from Vincent. The tender moments just make it worse; so much worse. Vincent begins "training" Aaron to be a submissive for the man who wants to buy him. This training is harsh, bloody,vicious, and relentless. And the messed up thing? The messed up thing is that Vincent thinks he's helping Aaron; preparing Aaron for what his life is going to be. He's got these soft feelings for Aaron that are so twisted because while he doesn't want to save Aaron he also doesn't want to give him to the buyer. It's messy, very messy.

Meanwhile, we have Aaron's old boyfriend, Sebastian, who is still looking for him. I don't know why but I hate Sebastian a little more every time he comes onto the scene. Something about the fact that his life is going on and he's trying to be happy with his husband while Aaron is being broken and abused, it makes me a little sick to my stomach. It's completely irrational of me to feel that way but I'm pretty sure this story has stripped my ability to be a rational human being while reading it.

And now I have to wait for the third installment in this series. Usually I hate waiting but this wait gives me a chance to catch my breath before I jump back in. I have no idea what's coming next but, man, I can't wait to see.