That Time When I Almost Cursed Out A Short Story (And Deleted A Bunch of Stuff)Okay, people, this review is about to be full of spoilers coming out the ass like it drank a whole bottle of Southern hot sauce, followed by a bottle of prune juice and gallon of hot water.
WARNING: Nothing is in a spoiler tag, so if you don't want spoilers do not read this review.
Despite the fact that this story was free I somehow ended up feeling like I'd been cheated.
[here is where I deleted a whole rant on how I'm allowed to rant about free stories, FTW] The story tried to be all *sweet sweet sweet (surprise!) HARDCORE* which clued me in to the fact that it was trying to shock me with a twist. Oh, plus there was the little note at the end that basically said "hey, tried to shock you" which is what really pissed me off. The story did NOT shock me and I would rather have read something that focused on really good story telling rather than cheap tricks.
This is the story of a couple who've been together for seven years, one guy loses his job and stops being the other guy's Dom. They get vanilla, jobless guy gets distant, the sub is all tears of a clown. This could have been a sweet, touching, and sexy story about two men finding their way back to one another.
[right here I got a little rage-y and I had to delete the plethora of F-bombs my fingers pounded out because, seriously, it was a blitzkrieg] Usually I try not to focus on the story I think should have been told but the beginning of this tale was begging to end in a completely different way than the direction in which it was taken.
So, these guys, they take a vacation to a cabin and the sub tops the Dom in an attempt to have some kind of kinky sex. It's not fulfilling but the next morning the Dom seems to be back in effect and ties the sub up, sticks a catheter in him, makes him piss in a bottle and then lets him nap. At this point the story is just a better written version of a Sean Michael book. By this I mean that I wasn't going "Oh, wow, I was NOT expecting that!" because it's made clear from the beginning that these two were BDSM lovers.
[I had to take this all down a notch because there were a lot of caps going on in this here paragraph, screaming like a drill sergeant on meth]I would have been okay with just being disappointed at that point. It happens with books; nothing new...but then the sub wakes up to his dick in a bottle of wasps. *sigh* And here is another point where I'm supposed to be all "WHAAAAAT???" but what I did was roll my eyes. Maybe I'm jaded or maybe I don't fully understand the horror of having your dick in a bottle of wasps and so I couldn't take it seriously...I don't know.
[okay, see how right there I tried to make it seem like it was all me? that's not how that sentence went at first, trust me] In any case, I respected the sub because he safeworded and basically said he didn't want his dick in a bottle of wasps. I can respect that but the Dom couldn't. The Dom just ignored him and said that the sub didn't mean it.
[I didn't delete anything right here but I had to stop and take a few breaths because my ire would have surley caused fire to shoot from my fingers and melted the keyboard]I don't practice BDSM but even I know about safewords. They mean that everything stops they don't mean "why don't you think about ending this scene while these wasps sting the shit out of my dick and I lay here so fucking scared that I might just stroke the fuck out at any second".
[I tried deleting that whole thing and making it sound less...well, just less, but obviously I was not successful]That whole scene still wasn't shocking me. It just made me want to curse out a fictional character for being ridiculous. Unfortunately, the story wasn't done yet. The Dom decides he needs to be reminded every day that he and his sub are BDSM-tastic. In order to do that he needs to cut his name into his man's flesh. With a spork. Really? I'm supposed to take something involving a SPORK seriously? Oh, and when the sub allows it followed by him allowing the Dom to rub toothpaste into the wound as he talks of keeping it open for days on end, I decided that they deserved one another. They also deserved for the sub to develop blood poisoning. Nothing says "I love you" like some good 'ol sepsis.
This story annoyed the crap out of me because it felt like it wasn't true to itself. I don't spend my time reading stories just to see what the craziest things are that people can think up even if those things make no sense in the story. I read books because I'm expecting a good, entertaining, and engaging tale. This was none of those things.