Running Wild

Running Wild - Sarah McCarty Running Wild is a collection of three interconnected stories about male wolf shifters finding their mates. Let's tackle this story by story, shall we?

Story One: Donovan
Donovan is a pack protector who has been sent on a mission to bring his cousin, the soon to be alpha, back home because the current alpha is dying. Donovan ends up in the town where his cousin is sheriff and in this town Donovan meets Lisa Delaney.

Lisa is a fiesty one. She protects her younger sister Robin and spends the rest of the time being slightly annoying. Lisa was one of those female characters that I kind of want to shake. She was prickly for no good reason. Luckily, she wasn't too annoying and she didn't ruin the story for me. Sarah McCarty gets points for creating a female character I didn't want to maim.

Donovan was you typical alpha male shifter character. Umm...that's really all there is to say about him. There was nothing spectacular or groundbreaking there.

All in all, Donovan and Lisa's story was okay. Not good or great but okay.

Story Two: Kelon
Kelon is Donovan's slightly bitter and cranky twin brother. He's a pack protector too and comes to town to help Donovan protect Lisa and her sister Robin. Guess what. Robin is Kelon's mate.

Robin was way more likeable than Lisa. Robin had a strength about her and she was strong without being harsh. McCarty did good with Robin's character.

Kelon. Kelon is another typical alphal male shifter character. He's basically Donovan with some cooking skills. Having a stock character is slightly better than having a character people want to kick in the face though.

Kelon and Robin's story was also okay. It was better than Donovan and Lisa's. I would say that this second story was the best one in the book.

Story Three: Wyatt
This was Wyatt, the cousin who's soon to be Alpha, and the oldest Delaney sister's, Heather's, story. It takes place when all of the characters end up in the wold pack's compound.

This story was boring. I can't even say much about it because, honestly I've forgotten a lot of what takes place in the story. It was a one star story.

Overall, this collection of stories was mildly enjoyable. I wouldn't exactly recommend the book but I wouldn't tell someone not to read it either.